Artikujt e botuar ne revista shkencore
Single Atrium anf Miscarriage: F.Kojqiqi, A Kojqiqi, I.Jusufi, B.Kojqiqi ;
Removal of Giant Solitary Pleural Fibroma from a Patient on Oxygen Therapy : Arben Kojqiqi*, Fatos Kojqiqi, Artan Jahollari and Besnik Kojcici.
Surgical debridement, vacuum therapy and pectoralis plasty in poststernotomy mediastinitis : I.C.Ennker ,D.Pietrowski ,L.Vöringer ,B.Kojcici ,A.Albert ,P.M. Vogt ,J.Ennker
Thoracic Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping (IABP) is a feasible alternative to routine transfemoral insertion: A Pritisanac 1, B Kojcici 1, J Ennker 1
Examination of the opportunity costs and turnover situation in patients with deep sternal infections: , , , , 10.1055/s-0031-1283762
Kostennutzenanalyse der Therapie von Risikopatienten am Beispiel tiefer Sternuminfektionen : , , , , DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1283762
The use of bilateral internal mammary arteries in the revascularization of high risk patients :YY Hegazy 1, A Albert 2, A Malkoc 1, B Kojcici 1, K Bauer 1, U Rosendahl 1, S Bauer 1, IC Ennker 1, J Ennker 1
Use of Bilateral Internal Mammary Arteries in Obese Patients : Y. Hegazy 1, 2, N. Keshk 1, S. Bauer 1, W. Hassanein 2, F. Kojqiqi 1, K. Bauer 1, R. Sodian 1, J. Ennker 3
Surgical Correction of Single Atrium after Miscarriages – Kojqiqi F1,2*, Kojqiqi A1,2, Jusufi I3 and Kojcici B1,2
Artikujt e shkruar per gazeta

Pacemakeri, Stimulusi Elektrik i Zemrës – 18/01/2016

Diseksioni i Aortes
Revista Vital